
Environmental Management

KGL and the Environment

Protecting the Beaver Pond (Wetland 6)

Alberta Environmental Appeals Board

Brookman and Tulick v. Director, South Saskatchewan Region, Alberta Environment and Parks, re: KGL Constructors, A Partnership (24 November 2017), Appeal Nos. 17-047 and 050-R (A.E.A.B.) (2017 AEAB 13)

Report and Recommendations – PDF contains the Board’s Report, Minister’s Order, and Minister’s Reason

KGL Constructors has received written confirmation from Alberta Parks and Environment that the SWCRR Wetland Assessment and Impact Report dated April 26, prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. has been completed to the satisfaction of the Director. A copy of the Wetland Assessment and Impact Report; prepared using the criteria under the 2013 Alberta Wetland Policy, can be found below.

Wetland Assessment and Impact Report
Golder Associates Ltd.
April 26, 2018

In addition, pursuant to the Ministerial Order, KGL Constructors has received written direction from the Director prescribing works and actions. Written direction is outlined in the following letter: Ministerial Order 06/2018 – Order Respecting Environmental Appeals Board Appeals Nos. 17-047 and 17-050 Receipt of Assessment and Written Direction – Conditions 6.7 and 9.3

Wetland 06 – 2024 Monitoring Report
Southwest Calgary Ring Road Project


Stormwater Ponds


Rendering of the Elbow River Crossing


Bioengineering the Watercourse Realignments

Street Lights